6kg tumour removed after 40 years by volunteer group Mercy Ships' that docked in Madagascar
For four decades, Sambany lived with a giant tumour growing from his neck.
At its heaviest the mass weighed a stone and measured twice the size of his head.
But after walking for three days, Sambany is finally free of the growth, after charitable medics performed a 12-hour operation to rid him of the tumour.
The procedure, one of the most life-changing performed by the team at Mercy Ships, saw doctors and nurses remove one of the biggest tumours the charity has seen in its 30-year history.
The operation took twice as long as expected and once removed, the team discovered the growth weighed a staggering 16.45lbs (7.46kg) tumour - just over a stone.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/h
Lucky man, pity he had to carry this for 40 years before he got help